Linux Mint is the rising star of GNU/Linux desktop world! On distrowatch it became the most popular distro (although the popularity metrics isn’t based on user base  of Linux Mint or Ubuntu but the page hits on the site). With the release of Ubuntu 11.10, Linux Mint 12 version was released with various desktop options like Gnome 3/Gnome shell, KDE Desktop etc. Linux Mint team introduced MATE plugin in the latest release which is awesome, because it might be good for those Gnome 2.* fans who hates Unity and Gnome Shell – it has merged the awesomeness of Gnome 2.3 with Gnome 3/Shell.
Since Linux Mint 12 is based on Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) so most of the applications that works with Ubuntu 11.10 will work fine on Linux Mint. I’ve already covered a post about the most popular apps (plus some Tweaks too that will help you in getting most of Linux Mint) on Ubuntu 11.10 – so I’m not going to repeat that here. [Follow the below link]
Best Apps for Ubuntu 11.10/Mint 12
Did you miss any favorite application ?

I certainly missed few of my favorite Application, media players. It’s XBMC and Nightingale Music Player.

XBMC – The coolest Media Center Application, and of course it’s free and open source!!!

Install XBMC in Linux Mint 12
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:nathan-renniewaldock/xbmc-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbmc

Nightingale Music Player

It’s a songbird fork, optimized and improved for GNU/Linux distributions (although it’s available for Mac and Windows too). Right now, you can’t install it from Software Manager/Center or from a deb package (because it’s not available in that format yet!) but you can extract the downloaded file and run the nightingale-bin executable file to run the program.
Download Nightingale for Linux Mint
What’s your Favorite Apps in Linux Mint ? Wouldn’t you like to tell us through comments ?