
Friday, February 24, 2012

Installing Compiz on Fedora 16


For all those nostalgic people who do not want Compiz aside, here I will tell you how to install it on our Fedora 16, and well, let’s begin.

As always do not forget loguearnos first as root:

$ Su

Then install compiz with the following command: 

# Yum install compiz-fusion-extras compiz-plugins-main compiz-manager compiz-fusion-extras 
compiz-plugins libcompizconfig-main-gconf compiz-gnome ccsm compiz-gtk

Well, now only remains to log in Fallback Mode back and enjoy our purposes ;)

PS: This procedure is to install Compiz on Gnome 3, not know if it can be installed in the same way in other environmen

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