
Monday, February 27, 2012

Ubuntu Linux for Android take our phones

"Ubuntu Linux for Android"
In the odd chance that people have commented Canonical had the signature idea of running Ubuntu , the most popular Linux distro without doubt, to mobile devices such as smartphones and Tablets.
Well, finally it will come true, though not as everyone thought, do not launch Ubuntu mobile factory, but we have Ubuntu for Android , which we can use this operating system when connecting your mobile phone to an external monitor.

After the jump, features and news about Ubuntu for Android.
Thus, we can access all the features and advantages that Linux has, taking into account the power of the leading mobile market today, not a complication to run it smoothly. I think a Quad Core with 2GB plenty to do.
“Ubuntu turns your Android phone into a productive high-end desktop whenever you need it,” said Shuttleworth in a statement. When there is a connection to an external monitor, the data are shared environments Entreating Ubuntu and Android , you can access Android native applications, such as messages, contacts, calls, etc..
Ubuntu for Android will be released to the world at Mobile World Congress, which will surely give you an estimated date of release.

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